Among the many individual donations, as well as donations for various associations whose members have celiac disease, Pretti, as a general importer and distributor of new gluten-free products since 2003, sustainably invests in raising awareness of general and professional public, as well as media about celiac disease and gluten-free diet (therapy). Organizing actions, campaigns, professional meetings, as well as donating members of associations of people with celiac disease, we try to contribute to the actualization of this serious public health problem for the wellbeing and a decent quality of life of each patient.
In addition, in cooperation with scientific and educational institutions, such as the Faculty of Economics in Rijeka and the Croatian Association for Marketing (CROMAR) with whom we have developed long-term cooperation, we support various projects to enable students to acquire practical experience in the real sector. Cooperation with students is extremely motivating and we try every year to organize at least one student competition during which we create an environment in which students can link the theoretical and practical knowledge.
In daily operations, we strive to lead ethical business principles - respect for the legislative framework and competition, open and transparent communication with all our partners and the market, and the respect and consideration of their opinions, attitudes and diversity, investments in the preservation of nature (transportation, storage, archiving and recycling) and social development (education, safe working conditions), the promotion of diversity and appeal to tolerance.
We believe that ethical business is the only successful business that results with a feeling of self-worth, and personal development and happiness. Pretti advocates such business conduct to all its domestic and regional partners.